

ATHICA has been kept going by the community for over 18 years. Hundreds of people have been involved over time as artists, performers. supporters, volunteers, board members, and more. Every hour that someone gives to ATHICA helps sustain and develop the organization and the community it serves. Get involved with ATHICA today to learn about contemporary art, meet creative-minded people, and participate in conversation and events of all kinds.

All you need is a curious, open mind and a willingness to learn and lend a hand. Art world experience is a plus, but not required. Helpful skills include customer service, graphic art, photography, videography, web development, carpentry and building maintenance, food and beverage service, accounting, writing, and law.

Ways to Help

  • Docenting. Friendly, reliable volunteers are needed to tend to the gallery while exhibitions are on view. In general, a gallery docent shift is 2-3 hours (4-6 pm Wednesday through Friday, 1-3:30 pm and 3:30-6 pm Saturday, and 4-6 pm Sunday). Docents interact with visitors, track admission, and keep the gallery tidy.
  • Special events. Special events throughout the year such as opening receptions, music and performance events, artist talks, gallery programs, and affiliated off-site events need volunteers to assist with set-up, clean-up, snacks and refreshments, and other tasks as needed.
  • Exhibition installation and de-installation. Handy volunteers are needed to assist with exhibitions. Volunteers will gain experience handling art, work with curators to carry out their installation plan, patch and repaint walls, and other hands-on task. Prior experience is not necessary.
  • Publicity. Volunteers can also help out with social media and other PR activities such as mailing, postering, graphic design, and more.
  • Business processes and board support. The business of running a non-profit requires accounting, contract, and legal know-how. Volunteers who can assist with developing and reviewing budgets, contracts, and other types of business documentation are always needed.
  • Intern. Internships can be arranged according to the skill set an individual applicant has or wants to strengthen. Intern tasks can include social media coordination, drafting and editing curatorial copy, fundraising, event planning, photography, graphic design, and more. More information about internships is available here.

To explore how you can participate in ATHICA, please contact us at info@athica.org.
